Faith Formation And Leadership Training
Using our unique Scripture-based training methods, Adventure Catholic Formation & Leadership Training allows young people to reach inside themselves to discover, develop, and implement their God-given leadership qualities and style. Adventure Catholic is a faith formation leadership training course for teens and parents.
Is it possible to keep teens connected to the Catholic faith throughout their lives? Yes!…And the Adventure Catholic COPEC Method can help! Through our unique process of team building, problem solving, cognitive thinking, and recognition of self-worth as a child of God, we can help teach your team how to transform the culture in your parish.
Adventure Catholic can help your Parish staff, retreat center staff, youth ministry team, parent group, and faculty, learn how to keep teens actively engaged with their faith and live as intentional disciples. Contact us today to see how we can train your group to help teens use Scripture as a foundation for their leadership style, and learn to love and live for Christ!