Alan Migliorato
Alan is the founder of Adventure Catholic Youth Leadership Formation Training and certified in youth ministry from the university of Dayton. He is the author of “The Manly Art of Raising a Daughter”, as well as the co-author of “Teaching Teens To Fail: A 5-Step Field Guide for Parenting Success”. Alan is a frequent guest on EWTN and has appeared on the At home with Jim and Joy TV Show, & the Women of Grace TV Show. He co-hosts a live radio show on WDMC Divine Mercy Radio, and appears regularly on multiple radio shows throughout the country speaking about the importance of family formation, and the man’s role as a shepherd. He has been married to the same beautiful woman since 1993 and has 3 wonderful daughters. Alan offers speaking engagements as a keynote speaker and his passions are his family and leading others to know Jesus on a personal level.

Katie French
Katie French has been involved with Adventure Catholic since the beginning. She is the co-author of “The Amazing Adventures of Bunny & Bear” and co-host of a live radio show on WDMC Divine Mercy Radio. Katie is currently the After School Director at a Catholic School, and works for her parish helping lead all formation ministries associated with youth. She is passionate about leading kids to Christ and believes each teen has leadership qualities inside them. Katie also loves to speak at parishes and help families grow in their faith formation.

Darryl Dziedzic
Catholic before God formed him in the womb, Darryl “Coach D” Dziedzic has been actively involved in ministry for over 15 years. A former teacher of theology, Darryl inspired students to explore a deeper understanding of their faith and embrace the teaching of the Catholic Church.
How It All Started
Adventure Catholic was created as a solution to one of the biggest problems that face the Catholic Church today…the loss of members in young adulthood. Our unique COPEC Leadership Formation Training Method helps keep teens stay connected with the church, not only in their youth, but throughout their lives. And not just connected – but connected as intentional disciples who actively patricipate in their faith life regularly without being told to do so!
Turning Sheep Into Shepherds
Our Passion is helping not only teens, but parents, youth ministers, priests, teachers, catechists, and anyone who cares about the future of the Catholic Church. In 2010 we decided it was time to change the culture youth, so we experimented, tweaked, and came up with a proven method for unlocking the inner leader that seems to be trapped within young people called the COPEC Method. Young people face negative peer pressure, insecurity, doubt, uncertainty, and fear. Adventure Catholic created a way to help them confront those struggles, and we want to share that method with you so you can continue to work in confidence that you are bringing the best to your young people.
Contact us today for more information!
Our Guiding Principles
Speak the truth with love.
Be true to yourself and others.
Keep God first.