Leadership Training
Having effective leaders in any organization requires ongoing training. Adventure Catholic offers leadership missions and training for parish faculty, Catholic school faculty, parish small group leaders, men’s ministries, women’s ministries, and much more. Increase the number of actively engaged and intentional disciples in your parish by learning how our COPEC leadership methods can form more effective shepherds for your parish.
Ask us about becoming a Certified Adventure Catholic Leadership Parish today!
Through self-examination of spirituality, learning how to speak the truth with love, and focusing on God, Adventure Catholic has designed a unique experience like no other. Adventure Catholic trains your faculty and staff to grow in:
- Knowledge of the Catholic Faith
- Personal Skill Development
- Spiritual Growth
- Conflict Resolution
- Team Building
- Staying connected to Scripture in daily life
- And much more…
It is through this every day connection to scripture that leaders become actively engaged with God and with their faith. This very important connection guides your faculty and keeps them connected as intentional disciples to the church.
Why is this better than other types of leadership training?
Most youth leadership training is aimed at telling teens “how” to lead. They are handed a set of instructions and told what to do. That’s not real world leadership! In the real world, leaders experience failure, and only through perseverance and learning from those failures will they ultimately be successful. But most of the time, adults don’t want to see teens fail, so they end up swooping in and fixing the problem, or telling teens how to fix it. While adults may have only the best of intentions in mind, this type of leadership training just doesn’t work when adults aren’t there to take over when things go wrong.
Adventure Catholic is different! We have designed our training with our own unique “COPEC” Method. Our COPEC Method teaches teens how to learn from failures, build confidence, overcome obstacles, and become more formed and intentional disciples who are actively engaged with their faith. Call or email us today for a FREE consultation!